We defy intense heat to discuss how quickly we got bored by The Sims 3 and why, debate Infamous vs Prototype based on the experience one of us has with one of these games, and Ralph gives us an update on his new laptop. Also, we try to figure out what the hell we are gonna talk about next time.
The triumphant return of cheesy blogpost images!
Because the extra work is totally worth it (not really but whatever)
The ins and outs of Simeon(?) relationships
Just look at her. You can’t even have tits that big in the game.
They aer grate.
Karate-kicking helicopters
It never gets old (yes it does NO SHUT UP IT’S AWESOME)
We kick it L.A. style this week with some words about the most interesting stuff to come out of E3 this year, and a little preview of our forthcoming review of The Sims 3.
Episode 1 of the new MightBeCreative podcast. In this show we will try to tackle topics related to game design, but we shake off the podcasting dust in this first episode with a nice freeform discussion about the new Team Fortress 2 update. And the Thunderbirds (awesome).
Discussed matters:
– Where the fuck we have been since the DinerCast stopped
– Tim’s spectacular mic tower (this is not a euphemism) built in order to be able to record this podcast properly
– The retro vision of society in 2065 according to Thunderbirds